Maintenance Repair Service mgmt@omnimanagement.com Omni Management Group, Ltd. is committed to providing a level of service excellence that is unsurpassed by other management companies. We strive to reach the highest standards of performance at all times, and are dedicated to maintaining that standard in our managed buildings. Our personnel, from the day porters to the president of the company, are dedicated to on-going performance management and professional development, and reflect a genuine sense of caring and consideration of our tenants in every phase of work. Semi-annual tenant surveys and periodic quality control inspections ensure that we continually monitor our own performance, document our strengths, and identify areas where improvement is needed. Our goal is efficient management through careful planning and budgeting, strict control of expenditures, and daily attention to our tenants' needs. Exterior and interior building conditions, physical plant conditions, organization of service areas and maintenance of records, performance of the janitorial contractor and status of budgeted building improvements are constantly monitored. Above all, we listen to our tenants and strive to fulfill their service needs. Our goal is to maximize tenants' business performance so they can easily take advantage of new opportunities. We stand ready to serve, and regard improvement as an ongoing process towards greater excellence in serving our tenants. We provide a wide array of services to our tenants, including:
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